BIG NEWS and my thoughts on the Speak Up Writing Conference

Can I share some BIG NEWS with you?

I went to the Speak Up writing Conference a few weeks ago, and it was and it was unlike any of the other conferences I have attended in the past. A quick review of my writing over the last few years includes self-publishing six books, traditionally publishing one board game, and starting a podcast in the last five years. I have several more projects lined up and I have found a great rhythm of writing in the extra bits and pieces of time while raising my girls. Self-publishing has been a perfect option for me to write without the pressure of growing a platform or meeting deadlines set by others in a season where my family comes first.

As part of the Speak Up conference for the writing track I had not one or two, but SEVEN 15-minute appointments with publishers, agents, and industry professionals. These appointments allow authors to pitch book ideas or get advice on the next step in their writing career. I didn't go into the appointments with any expectations or desire for getting a contract, but wanted to make the most of the expertise of industry professionals. I showed each what I had worked on previously and explained my next project, hoping to get feedback to better hone my message, audience, and marketing plan.

Instead, I had an incredible agent, Blythe Daniel, offer me a contract to represent several of my projects, some self-published and some still to come. Then a publisher expressed interest in picking up one of my other self-published projects. Sometimes God has bigger plans than we have for ourselves!

I am still in shock. I thought for sure my agent would realize that she mistook the placement of the comma in my platform numbers and laugh in my face. But it's official! I have an agent!

Authors in the self-publishing world ask these questions all the time, and now I can answer them from experience:

Can you get an agent with a small platform? YES

Would an agent ever pitch a self-published book to publishers? YEP

Could a publisher pick up a self-published project? WE'LL SEE! WITH GOD, WHY NOT???

Keep doing your right next thing, and at the right time the step in front of you may surprise your socks off!

If you are looking for a good writing conference to attend, I HIGHLY recommend Speak Up! Here are a few of the ways that this conference stands out. 

  1. I had so many appointments! Most conferences offer one or two opportunities to chat with industry professionals, but this Speak Up offered so many appointments. Not only do they offer time for pitching, but also for prayer, collaboration, or simple encouragement in discerning the next step in the journey. They take the emphasis off of the contract as the end all be all and replace it with valuing every step of obedience and growth along the way. It’s beautiful and wise. 

  2. The staff is incredibly accessible. At other conferences, I have watched agents and publishers on the stage explain that they are just regular people who want to put good words out into the world, but if I’m honest, no one in the audience really believed that. Why? Because these individuals whisked off the stage and behind closed doors until the magical 15-minute appointments. Then those meetings seemed so high pressure that many authors walked out in tears. I was able to meet almost all of the individuals I had appointments with ahead of time at meals, in the hall, and in breakout sessions. Everyone is so knowledgeable and willing to share their wisdom! The staff is truly made up of individuals who long to put good words out into the world and want to help you take your next step.

  3. The atmosphere is incredible. This conference is built on prayer and focuses on one mission- advancing the gospel through words, spoken and written. Each person there is not competition, but a partner to link arms with and move forward together. The Christ-centered focus of the staff creates a community of passionate individuals dedicated to spreading truth through words. It is truly unique and an honor to be a part of.

If you plan on attending Speak Up, here are some insider tips:

  1. Play hooky. This conference schedule is packed! The days are 12 hours long with very few breaks. Your brain will be so full and possibly mush. If you are an introvert, consider skipping a session or two to walk around outside and just breathe in the quiet. If you are an extrovert, skip a session to chat with a new friend! Some of the best parts of the conference are in the hallways. 

  2. Sign up for extra appointments. If you don’t have a book idea to pitch, sign up anyway! Getting to chat with these individuals face to face will give you so much direction. Even after you sign up for your appointments ahead of time, you can add more once you arrive. Check the table for sign up sheets and take advantage of the wisdom and encouragement these individuals have to offer. When you go to your meetings, go with an open mind and a paper and pen. Take lots of notes and then DO those things when you get home. They know what they are talking about.

  3. Take a friend. I am absolutely blessed to have an author friend to go to conferences with. It will help to have someone you know to process with at the end of every day, as well as to celebrate all of the ways you see God at work. 

One last thing: would you please pray for me as I pitch to publishers in the coming months? I will take all the prayers as my next right thing is a big unknown world. I will continue to seek God’s direction on how He wants my words to reach others. Thank you for walking this journey with me! And if you are considering a writing conference for your own writing career, I highly encourage you to try Speak Up!