It’s official! Sunday God Meets Monday Mom is now a PODCAST! These weekly 5-minute devotions connect Sunday’s simple sayings with the messy mission of motherhood.

Nothing fits like comfy jeans! I pair everything with jeans, but my daughter insists that NOTHING matches jeans. We'll see who's right as we study Colossians 3:12-15. Is love really the right response in every situation? Or are there times when it doesn't match?

What is sweeter than singing lullabies at bedtime? For my toddler, pretty much anything! Let's see what Psalm 23 can teach us about learning to still our hearts and sit with the Father.

Welcome to the Sunday God Meets Monday Mom Podcast! Get to know the host, Erin Greneaux, and learn about the format for each of these super practical and all-too-relatable 5-minute devotions.